A Toxic Legacy

Decades of Ford lead paint sludge is still in our very backyard

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Together, we can make a difference

We want to join together concerned residents of Ringwood and surrounding communities to ensure the long-term preservation of our natural resources and the welfare of the community.
The fight to clean up the Ringwood Mines/Landfill Superfund site has been going on since the 1980s.  

The EPA assured the community that all contamination had been removed in 1993, only to call on Ford to clean up more waste and ultimately relist the site as a National Priority in 2005.  It is the only Superfund site in the program's history to be listed twice.

Because of this, we believe that the only way to ensure that this mess is finally cleaned up is to remove all of the toxic contamination from the ground once and for all.  Read more >

Protect the water.

Get the facts. Keep our families and our town safe.

Let us know what questions we can help answer.

The biggest impact you can make? Sign our petition to let the council know your wishes.

Learn how you can help Ringwood C.A.R.E.S.

Our council needs to know what the residents of our town want and that they have our full support to remove the toxins from our town once and for all.
To help fully remove the toxins from our neighborhood will require coming together as a community. Our biggest challenge is and will be education - helping ensure that we all understand the issues and the implications. Staying engaged and informed, while spreading the word is the best help we can ask for right now! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for email updates. Donate to help fund outreach. Share our posts. Attend meetings. And sign our petition. Every single step helps! 
Make an easy online donation directly from your bank account, credit card, or Paypal.
Whether you can make a donation or simply help us to spread the word, your support will help the long-term wellbeing of our town.